Cllr. William Ireland Chairperson |
Cllr. Martin Brett Mayor |
It is a great privilege for us as Cathaoirleach and Mayor of Kilkenny Local Authorities to introduce the Annual Report for 2006. This report outlines the Local Authorities many and varied activities throughout the City and County across all services. Some of the highlights of the year include:-
Commencement of the review of the County and City Development Plan. Preparation for the County's Development Plan 2008/2014 has commenced with a series of public consultations in the City and in each of the Electoral Areas.
Local Area Plans were completed for Slieverue, Mullinavat and Stoneyford.
A revised Litter Management Plan was commenced in 2006. Kilkenny Local Authorities commitment in the fight against litter was rewarded by Kilkenny City achieving litter free status in the most recent IPAL Survey.
A highlight for Kilkenny Borough Council during the year was the City's participation in the International Entente Florale Competition. We were pleased to achieve Silver Medal status in this internationally acclaimed competition.
A new scheme of letting priorities was adopted.
A scheme of priorities for Affordable Housing was reviewed and adopted in 2006.
The Local Authorities sought to address the problem of Anti Social Behaviour by the implementation of an Anti Social Behaviour Policy in 2006 for Kilkenny County Council and Kilkenny Borough Council.
The Local Authorities commitment towards Estate Management was highlighted by the development of an Estate Management Policy and the holding of the Annual Estate Management Conference in November.
The Local Authorities commitment to working with our fellow Agencies and Social Partners was emphasised by the completion of the review of the 10 year Strategy by the County Development Board.
In the area of the Arts, the Arts Strategy was published and positively received by all interested parties.
The development of the Recreation Capital Fund was continued with the construction of an additional playground in St. Canice's Parish. A total of 12 Community Projects were approved for support from this fund around the City and County.
The draft Heritage Plan for Kilkenny City and County was prepared and is being presented for publication in early 2007. On the basis of the draft a significant number of projects have been approved by the Heritage Council.
Progress has been made with the local radio station KCLR on introducing a traffic information service which is to be introduced early in the New Year.
During 2006 progress has been made on various infrastructural projects. The main schemes undertaken include:-
The M8/N8 Cullohill to Cashel has commenced with a likely completion date in summer 2009.
The Contract has been awarded for Phase 2 of the N9/N2 Waterford to Knocktopher road.
Work is ongoing on the Kilkenny Ring Road Extension which is due for completion in summer 2007.
The Contract Tender was awarded in 2006 for Ballybough Street in the Kilkenny Eastern Environs.
There were further substantial increases in local funding of non national roads and for road restoration surface dressing in 2006.
Progress was made on a number of capital projects in the water services area.
The contract was awarded for the proposed new Leisure Complex sited at Scanlon Park.
Construction commenced on the Freshford Fire Station.
Developments under the Urban and Village Renewal Scheme were recognised by an increased grant application from the Department of the Environment.
A dog shelter for Carlow/Kilkenny based near Paulstown was opened in May 2006.
This year saw another active year in our Parks and Restoration Programme with progress continuing on the River Nore Linear Park and the official opening of the new Soccer Pitch in Garringreen.
We would like to acknowledge the co-operation and assistance of our fellow Councillors and to take this opportunity to put on record our appreciation. We would also like to pay tribute to the County Manager Mr. Michael Malone and staff for the manner in which they assisted us in the performance of our roles. Our time as Cathaoirleach and Mayor has proved to be a very fulfilling and rewarding experience and we look forward to meeting the many challenges that lie ahead.
We would like to express thanks to our predecessors Cllr. Maurice Shortall and Cllr. Marie Fitzpatrick for their help and co-operation during the year.
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William Ireland Martin Brett
MCC Cathaoirleach MCC Mayor